Ethnic Paleo–Indian Style

Just wanted to share some basic recipes I use which keeps paleo simple
without sacrificing variety. Good if you’re getting bored of making
chili or bun-less hamburgers or if you just want a break from the
crockpot special. Cook time is pretty short too.


Ground beef + basic curry powder containing coriander, red chilies,
tumeric, cumin, black pepper, and fenugreek.


This can be bought in any Indian store or the ethnic section of a
decent grocery market. Buy them in bulk. I paid a little over $5/lb
for the spice. I bought 7oz packages (that’s the largest I’ve seen
around here), and they go a long way. Two bags of spice should last
you for a month, unless you like really strong flavors. Considering
what it costs in the little bottles, that’s a great price. You don’t
need much. One to two TBS per lb of ground beef

Question of the Week: Paleo Cravings

This week’s “Paleo Question of the Week” is:

Do you have cravings for some kinds of paleo foods? What paleo food would you most hate to give up?

We want to hear your answer in the comments! You’re also welcome to post a comment or question on any other paleo-related topic.

If you’d like to submit a question for an upcoming question of the week, please e-mail me.

Modern Paleo

Two Book Reviews: Kids and Paleo

Not too long ago, I received two books aimed at paleo kids and their parents to review. (Disclosure mandated by the turds at the FTC: These books were given to me for free as review copies.)

Alas, I disliked Paleo Pals: Jimmy and the Carrot Rocket Ship. However, I loved Eat Like a Dinosaur. Let me explain why.

Paleo Pals: Jimmy and the Carrot Rocket Ship by Sarah Fragoso of Everyday Paleo

As you’ve probably gathered from the name, this book is a children’s story on eating paleo. I wanted to like it, but I don’t think that it does much to explain to kids what’s good about eating paleo or bad about eating the Standard American Diet. Also, I didn’t find the story compelling in itself: too much came across as propaganda, and I didn’t like that.

The two basic claims of the book about paleo are …

Another Paleo-Friendly Snack

As a follow-up to my post on paleo-friendly snacks, I wanted to mention the new AMRAP Refuel bars.

I received two free samples a while back. They’re a dense and chewy bar with a nutty flavor. They don’t have any aftertaste. They’re perfectly paleo.

Another Paleo-Friendly Snack

I prefer to eat my own homemade snacks whenever possible, but I do rely on such pre-made snacks when I’m in a terrible rush. I keep a few on hand in my car and truck for whenever I find myself unexpectedly stuck somewhere, exhausted and hungry. (It’s just not helpful for my recovery from adrenal insufficiency for me to grit my teeth and endure that.)

The AMRAP bars are a bit pricey, but they’re substantial. For some, they’d be a good option. You can read about and order them here.

Modern Paleo

Modern Paleo: My Paleo Experience and Favorite Dishes

I’ve been eating a Paleo-style diet for close to a year now. Before, I ate large quantities of bread, rice, pasta, and sugary foods, at just about every meal. Now I eat beef, pork, chicken, fish, veggies, and eggs. I’m not always 100% strict Paleo. For example, I still use some dairy products such as cheese or heavy cream, although I’ve stopped drinking milk recently. On rare occasion I eat some rice, if it comes with the fish or beef I order at a restaurant, but I absolutely avoid pasta or bread. As a result, there have been several benefits I’ve enjoyed:

1) I used to lie in bed for an hour or two, wide awake, before falling asleep. I was that way for as long as I could remember and I just thought it was normal for me. Now I fall asleep within 10 minutes. The carbohydrates made my …

FormSpring Questions on Paleo

Here are some more informal FormSpring Questions and Answers on random paleo-related topics:

I understand and accept the premise of the paleo/primal way. I have, however, heard of people losing weight on low fat diets. How can this be explained?

To lose weight, you have to create a calorie deficit, so that the body has to draw on its own reserves to function. For some people — the not-yet-metabolically-deranged, perhaps — that’s possible to do on a low-fat diet.

Two points are worth noting, however:

(1) Studies have found that low-fat diets draw largely on muscle, whereas low-carb diets draw largely on fat stores. Losing muscle is not a healthy kind of weight loss.

(2) Most people will be hungry and grumpy on a low-fat diet. That’s not true of a low-carb diet.

Dr. Eades has done some great blogging on “metabolic advantage” lately. I’d recommend reading that.

Follow up

Paleo and Rewriting Reality

The fallacy of rewriting reality, as identified by Ayn Rand, is the fallacy of formulating a theory or idea divorced from reality and then continuing to maintain it after observing that it contradicts actual facts or else claiming that reality itself is somehow in the wrong. This has given rise to infamous sayings such as “It’s good in theory but bad in practice,” and so on, where a person will maintain a set of ideas even as they’re concretely proven to be false or damaging. In regards to living a Paleo lifestyle I’ve noticed that some people commit this error when juxtaposing my lifestyle to its effects, and some have even bizarrely changed their evaluations and interpretations of my health after noticing a benefit and then learning how I obtained it.

For instance, after learning of Mr. Nikoley’s no soap and no shampoo experiment I tried it for myself and …

10 Reasons I Might Not Be Eating Paleo

Reposted from my blog, Rational Jenn.

As lots of you know, I’ve been eating paleo/primal/real food for many years now, to the overall benefit of my health, and I am committed to continuing this good eating plan forever and ever.

But, that doesn’t mean I eat 100% paleo 100% of the time! If you see me consuming something that is definitely not paleo, here are some reasons why that might be:

1. I’m traveling.

I find it difficult to eat 100% paleo when traveling, for various reasons. So I make travel-related compromises. I will sometimes eat fast food like french fries (made in god-knows-what-kind-of-oil). Generally though, I opt for a salad of some kind, but will usually forget to ask them to leave the cheese off. I won’t use unknown salad dressings, so I often end up eating fast food chicken and dry lettuce. Meh. I usually have good snacks …


Editor’s note: This article may look like a brazen promotional piece for my services and website, but it isn’t. Admittedly, Robert inherently tends to see life from the bright side, but whenever I talk to Robert, he seems genuinely happy with his customized paleo plan. By the way, I let the client’s health history, health goals, and the results of testing, experimentation, and measuring inform my recommendations. /Christian
Roughly one year ago I wrote on this blog about my conversion to the paleo diet. As successful as I thought it was, during the process I met with some resistance, both externally (from others close to me) and internally (from myself when I relaxed on my standards), and consequently did not make the kind of commitment I had hoped for. Even though I felt better when eating that way, periodically cravings would overcome newer, better habits. This led to frustration

Paleo Quick Notes


Got some blood tests done. Here’s about my kidneys.
First a short technical note: Creatinine is a byproduct of muscle breakdown which the kidneys are supposed to clear out of the blood stream. Elevated blood serum creatinine is a marker for kidney disease. (Though it can’t be interpreted in a vacuum.)
My serum creatinine:


2010 April: 1.1 mg/dl
2010 May: 1.08 mg/dl
2010 June: 1.00 mg/dl
Doctor: “Do you eat a lot of meat?”
Me: “Yes.”
Note the quite substantial change between my pre-paleo value from February 2008 and April 2010. (I had a little freak-out there because the lab had entered me as a female which put me out of the normal range both for creatinine and calculated kidney function.)
My interpretation is that paleo put more creatinine in my bloodstream