Just wanted to share some basic recipes I use which keeps paleo simple
without sacrificing variety. Good if you’re getting bored of making
chili or bun-less hamburgers or if you just want a break from the
crockpot special. Cook time is pretty short too.
Ground beef + basic curry powder containing coriander, red chilies,
tumeric, cumin, black pepper, and fenugreek.
This can be bought in any Indian store or the ethnic section of a
decent grocery market. Buy them in bulk. I paid a little over $5/lb
for the spice. I bought 7oz packages (that’s the largest I’ve seen
around here), and they go a long way. Two bags of spice should last
you for a month, unless you like really strong flavors. Considering
what it costs in the little bottles, that’s a great price. You don’t
need much. One to two TBS per lb of ground beef